As a Caucus, many issues are close to our heart; there are a few key issues that we are proud to champion as a community! The Rose Caucus is dedicated to advocating for these needed changes in our world.

Tackling the Issue
The climate crisis presents the greatest sociological and engineering challenge in human history. We must transition our economy to emit no carbon & actively sequester it in the next decade; this means becoming carbon-neutral by 2025. To do this, we will create millions of good-paying, union jobs overhauling every part of our economy to meet the challenge. Saving our global ecosystem will require a Green New Deal, changes to our collective lifestyle, and unprecedented international cooperation.
Reclaiming Our Labor
There is a sharp division in modern America between two groups of people: those who own or manage money and property for a living, and those who perform work for a living. By this definition, nearly all of the “middle class” falls into the second category. However, when nationwide union membership was at its highest, income inequality reached historic lows and the standard of living for a single-earner home was much higher than today. United we bargain; divided we beg.
Healthcare is a Human Right
Healthcare is a human right. 27.5 million Americans have no health insurance at all. Many who do still receive inadequate care or simply cannot afford treatment even with insurance. Privatized healthcare costs us nearly twice what our European and Canadian peers pay, with worse outcomes. Both single-payer and nationalized healthcare systems consistently deliver better care for less money than our system. We can save trillions of dollars and thousands of lives with truly universal healthcare.