Criminal Justice Reform
The United States incarcerates more people per capita than any other nation on Earth. Our carceral and immigration enforcement systems are a cruel and inhumane moral failure that must be completely dismantled and replaced with systems of restorative justice.
1. Abolish Harmful Agencies
Abolish all agencies and policies focused solely on deportation, detention and suppression of migration, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Customs and Border Patrol, border militarization, and the denial of the right to seek asylum.
2. Prosecute Human Rights Violators
Prosecute individuals in all above-mentioned agencies who have engaged in human rights abuses during the course of their work.
3. Ban Solitary Confinement
Federally prohibit the use of solitary confinement for punishment. Solitary confinement is torture and has no place in a modern justice system.
4. Citizen Recall
Create a system that allows for citizen recall of any supervising law enforcement officer.
5. Bias Training
Require comprehensive bias training for every law enforcement officer, member of the judiciary, and court employee; this includes but is not limited to: the LGBTQ+ community, racial/ethnic minorities, minority religious groups, mental health conditions, people with disabilities, and immigrants. Include stringent requirements for continuing education to respond to the needs of marginalized communities.
6. End Lifetime Judge Appointments
End lifetime appointments for judges.
7. Standardize Court Practices
Standardize court practices federally.; Consistency in legal procedure and interpretation is the only way to achieve equity in justice.
8. Abolish Execution
Federally abolish the capital punishment.; This should not be left to the states;. Capital punishment is morally wrong, inherently “cruel and unusual”, and historically weaponized against communities of color.