Healthcare for All
Updated: Feb 5
Healthcare is a human right. We don’t have to settle for paying twice as much as Europe and Canada and receiving worse care; we can save trillions of dollars and thousands of lives by covering everyone with truly universal healthcare.
Healthcare is a human right. While 27.5 million Americans have no health insurance at all, many who do still receive inadequate care or simply cannot afford treatment even with insurance. People in the US pay nearly twice what their European and Canadian peers pay for healthcare with worse outcomes and complicated billing. Our system is broken beyond repair for one reason only: healthcare itself is a market failure.
There will never be profit incentive to care for a chronically ill person, so healthcare must function as a risk pool. The larger the pool, the lower the individual burden for healthcare. This means that completely covering every single American’s healthcare needs, nationwide, is not only the most humane way to deliver healthcare, but the most cost-effective as well.
We can save trillions of dollars and thousands of lives with truly universal healthcare.