Trans Rights

Even today, in many states being transgender is regarded as a “problem” or a mental illness. Due to extreme structural and social prejudice, trans Americans are many times more likely to be depressed and/or attempt suicide than their cisgender peers. We must urgently address these disparities and save trans lives.

1. De-gender Documents

De-gender (or add nonbinary gender options, where applicable) all public documents, federally.

2. De-gender Dress Codes

De-gender all school dress codes. Guarantee protection from gender-normative discrimination as a result of dress in all workplaces.

3. Easier Name Changes

Remove punitive/prohibitive requirements for legal name changes and create fee waivers for ID replacement as the result of a legal name change.

4. Declare National Emergency

Declare trans murder and suicide rates a national emergency. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, more than half of transgender male teens surveyed reported attempting suicide in their lifetime, while 29.9 percent of transgender female teens said they attempted suicide. Among non-binary youth, 41.8 percent reported a suicide attempt. Combined with a historically-unprecedented uptick in violence against trans Americans, immediate corrective action on the federal level is required.

5. Remove "Transmedicalist" Language

Remove “transmedicalist” language from all education materials relating to trans individuals; the “transmedicalist” viewpoint is deliberately antagonistic to nonbinary individuals and is not rooted in any scientific understanding of gender.

6. Workplace Protections

Federally prohibit firing trans employees for enforcing their gender/pronouns with customers, clients, or other individuals in the workplace.

7. Gender Affirmation

Include gender affirmation surgery as “necessary care” under Medicare for All, free, on-demand, and without justification required.

8. Ban "Conversion Therapy"

Federally ban "conversion therapy".

9. End "Trans Panic" Defense

Federally legislate to end “trans panic” murder defense. Transphobia is not an excuse for violence and it is outrageous that "trans panic” defense is accepted in our criminal justice system.

10. Ban Intersex Mutilation

Federally ban intersex mutilation.

11. End Misgendered Imprisonment

Currently it is legal in all 50 states to force trans persons into facilities based on the gender they were assigned at birth when they are incarcerated. This is cruel and unusual punishment and must end immediately nationwide.





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